Building a foundation: Your Website
As a general rule, European Cinema Day communications need a foundation. The best way to do this is to have your own website and a subpage that describes the background to the day of action as well as highlighting the program and special features.
The biggest challenge for cinema operators:inside is to differentiate the communication of films and events on European Cinema Day from the regular program. A subpage on the website can already give a first feel for the experience here and should make you want to experience the day at the cinema.
The following points should be answered:
- What is the European Cinema Day?
- Why does my cinema participate?
- Why should the cinema target group participate? (Special features)
- What kind of program do I offer?
- What has happened in recent years? (Photos, Reviews, Throwback)
Communication should regularly flow into the editorial team on all relevant channels until the European Cinema Day. Especially on social media, it is a good idea to divide the topics that are presented in detail on the subpage into individual posts.
On Facebook, informative posts with direct links to the subpage on the website are suitable. On Instagram, information can be presented graphically as a slideshow (see screenshot) or, in particular, images from past events can be used to whet people’s appetites for the event.
In addition to the basic information, the special features should be highlighted. To this end, many ideas were collected in the idea labs to support the cinemas in their communication. The following also applies here: Sharing is caring. So if you should implement one of the ideas or have a completely new one, just send us an email and we can make your results available to others.
Ideas from our idea labs
Together with hundreds of movie theaters in Europe and worldwide, we want to celebrate a day of celebration for cinema. To make sure as many as possible join in, we’ve created a list of ideas here that you can use for your planning. These ideas were supplemented from the idea labs with 45 international cinemas. Get inspired and share your experiences via the comments section.

Matchmaking: Exchange of Greetings
European Cinema Day also serves in particular for networking among cinemas, and internationally. There are many action ideas that can be implemented together. Not only within the partnership of two cinemas, but also with all participating cinemas together.
Want to share messages together with a cinema from another country on European Cinema Day? Live or for social media? Get in touch at
Character: Cinema is… What makes your cinema special?

- Cinema is… Tell us what makes cinema special for you.
Complete the sentence „Cinema is…“ and send a picture of yourself or your cinema to We’ll collect all the sentences and create social media graphics that you can download for your communication in the download section starting next week. - Make it your own: graphic template for social media
The template „Cinema is…“ is also available on Canva to design yourself and download. Also tag other cinemas and ask them to participate in the action or ask your community what your cinema is for them.
- Frame Instagram Story
- Frame Instagram Post
- Cinema is (squared post)
- Cinema is (squared post 2)
- Cinema is (wide post)
- Cinema is (Instagram Story)
- Storytelling on Social Media
„Cinema is…“ also works as a video. Open the door to your cinema and let your target group virtually enter your cinema. Or film what cinema means to you: your favorite corner in the cinema, your favorite seat in the auditorium or the way to your cinema. Tag @artcinemaday in your Story so we can share your content. Instagram reels are also great for communication.
Marketing material available for your cinema
Some marketing material is already provided to cinemas by the initiators. To get access to all the files, you can contact Olimpia Pont.

More Ideas for marketing
The filmselection for the European Art Cinema Day
The films you present also reflect the character of your cinema and have a brand-building effect. Communicate your program with your cinema target group and also let them participate in the process via e.g. social media.
- Why did you choose this particular film?
- Who on the cinema team is responsible for the film selection?
- What is your personal recommendation?
Show your expertise: recommendations
You stand for the expertise of your cinema. The film selection creates trust within your target group. Use your personal expertise for films and your program also in your marketing communication. For example, create short videos with your cinema team or even cinema visitors and give each program a personal touch through a recommendation.
„Back to cinema“: What has happened since the last visit to the cinema?
New seats? A new projector? Your cinema audience wants to go back to the movies. Show them what has changed and what your guests can look forward to during their visit. All this information will increase the appeal of coming back to your cinema.
Introduce your cinema team
You are the signature of your cinemaaswell as your team. Together, you are the people who, with your passion for cinema, make going to the cinema an uncomparable experience. Find a way to show that strength. In particular, the short video feature on Instagram, Instagram Reels, is a great tool for introduction videos. The quick win: customer loyalty through a personal connection to their cinema.
These are questions you can ask your cinema colleagues:
- What did you miss most about going to the movies?
- What was your funniest experience at the cinema ever?
- What film and event should your guests not miss on European Art Cinema Day?
Use the day for content
The European Art Cinema Day is a good opportunity to collect material for your later marketing communication during the event. Not only to increase the reach on the day, but also to sustainably inspire people to participate in this day the next time. Reviews, impressions and behind-the-scenes pictures and clips have a positive effect on the perception of the event.
- Ask your cinema guests to tag you on social media or use a specific hashtag. You can then gradually review these tags, respond and also use them for your channels (repost). You can also use your screen for this call to action.
- Conduct interviews, place a guestbook, and go out and get quotes from your guests. You can use these reviews and use them for your social media marketing later on.